I'm Not Voting Because
‘More and more people are concluding the ballot box is no longer an instrument that will secure political solutions.’ Tony Benn
I’m not voting because… compresses fragments of the past and present to raise a political debate. It reveals a slice of history during a period of class conflict and the rise of mass movements.
The book format is the size of a twelve inch vinyl album sleeve. I’m not voting because … is an alternate record of the flipside of democracy. It is a recording. I record their record. I use direct comments and jiggle them about to fit.
As Gil Scot Heron informs ‘The revolution will not be televised.’
I’m not voting because … is aimed at all the people that have an election to contribute to. Empty promises echo on vacant channels, ballot papers remain uncrossed, a very loud silence is reverberated from a cross homeland. It is a transient time, an era where change is imminent.